Kalila Kalila Soap

The KALILA KALILA Soap is made from Kutus Kutus oil extract, which consists of 69 types of herbs and virgin coconut and olive oil. Although this soap is classified as "waste" from Kutus Kutus oil, it has achieved excellent results in overcoming various skin problems, such as: acne, inflammation or itching. The soap has a refreshing effect on the skin and removes impurities that have accumulated on it throughout the day. The scent of the soap reduces the smell of sweat and replaces it with a refreshing and pleasant scent.


Important information:

The product is neither registered as a medicinal product nor as a nutritional supplement. The product is made on a natural basis, has no approved healing effects and is not a medicinal product. The product is intended for external use only. Do not use if you are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients. If you suffer from skin problems or allergies, consult your doctor before using the product. In no case does the product replace professional medical care and its use is solely at your own risk. Potential adverse effects on pregnant women, lactating women and children have not been specifically tested.

In addition to the already mentioned positive properties in overcoming skin problems, the soap is also suitable for daily cleansing of healthy skin. Unlike other soaps that have no scent or have aroma added, the KALILA KALILA soap is characterized by the scent of various spices and herbs that were used during its production.

Most skin and acne problems are caused by air pollution and insufficient skin cleansing or using wrong skin cleansers. Always use clean water and a clean towel to achieve clean skin. Do not share your soap or towel with other people. Moisten your face with clean water, apply soap and wash all parts of your face thoroughly. Pay particular attention to problem areas around the nose and mouth. Then rinse the remaining soap with running water and dry your face with a clean towel. Regular use of KALILA KALILA soap will help you keep your skin healthy, hydrated, clean and soft.

100% Natural product.

Kokosový olej, Olivový olej, Voda, Kurkuma, Škorica, Santalové drevo, Avokádové listy, Egrešovec hranatý, Fenikel, Bedrovník anízový (aníz), Aloe, Listy archangeliky, Zaderach indický a iné...

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